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Guild Level: [ 3 ]

Guild Information
New guild. Leader must edit this text :)

The guild was founded on Baiak Light on Mar 18 2025.
It is currently active.

Guild Members
Rank [sort] Name and Title Vocation [sort] Level [sort] Status
Leader Bruxo Og The Visored 47531 online
Qsuki Return The Vollstandig 39323 online
Seu Kuki The Visored 104259 online
Vice-Leader Inverno Elder Druid 41241 offline
Og Arquer The Vollstandig 50917 online
Toon World Visored [Complete] 58746 offline
Member Aka Voris Vizard 61052 offline
Anechka Capitao Geral 60363 offline
Asmodeus Visored [Complete] 25476 online
Astharoth The Vollstandig 47257 online
Bruxa Og Arrancar 54855 online
Druizin'rox Vizard [FULL] 44716 online
Druizina'rox Elder Druid 58535 online
El Perro Elite Knight 48248 online
Getsugasan Vizard [FULL] 45926 online
Hugow The Vollstandig 55790 offline
Isma Ed Visored [Complete] 65108 online
Isma Ms Arrancar [FULL] 42329 online
Isma Mss Visored [Complete] 46846 online
Ismax Rp Quincy [Vollstandig] 41525 online
Mago Negro Vizard [FULL] 8348 offline
Magosho Rp The Vollstandig 58941 offline
Melisa rp Quincy [FULL] 70000 offline
Nexx The Vollstandig 47934 online
Og Bruxa Arrancar 57677 online
Og Bruxo Vizard 46466 online
Overpower Bruxo Capitao Geral 31006 online
Pally Polskynye The Vollstandig 84725 online
Pally Power Abuser Quincy 55644 online
Retry Capitao Geral 57648 online
Rexodon The Resurrección 42345 online
Shima Sor The Resurrección 67688 online
Supremo Shalon The Resurrección 85053 online
Taquente The Visored 54778 online
Toon Hk Royal Paladin 16416 offline

Invited Characters

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Dont Perguntei
Lv: 88212 | RR: 156
Royal Keizar
Lv: 113811 | RR: 153
Babuleta Voadora
Lv: 104776 | RR: 144
4 - Getsuga Tenshou
Lv: 55368 | RR: 137
5 - Ervade Terere
Lv: 112332 | RR: 135
6 - Shimaricat Retorn
Lv: 118478 | RR: 129
7 - Buck
Lv: 74259 | RR: 123
8 - Veldora
Lv: 113837 | RR: 122
9 - Czlowiek Szczurek
Lv: 58954 | RR: 122
10 - Raodon
Lv: 90222 | RR: 118
Castle 24 horas
Elenco Fabuloso
Lv: [25]

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